Poll on Reinstituting Solar Energy in the White House

Should the White House [re]implement Solar Energy?

By Kevin Anthony Stoda (about the author)

To take the poll, click on this link at OP-ED News



Over 30 years ago, Jimmy Carter installed the first solar energy (water heating).  Less than a decade later they were de-installed. Last week, the Obama White House rejected a proposal to reinstall the solar panels.


Should the White House [re]implement Solar Energy? 


(This would hopefully make a clearer the message that green investment is a priority at this time.)

I am totally for the reimplementation. It is a great symbol.
I have no idea.
It won’t matter.
No. It isn’t really helpful.

Here is a well-written opinion on the topic by Amy Goodman.




About eslkevin

I am a peace educator who has taken time to teach and work in countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, Nicaragua, Mexico, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman over the past 4 decades.
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