Stop the Koch’s Cattle Drive from Kansas to Texas!!!

The Koch brothers from Kansas are messing in Texas elections. What else is new America? We gotta stop them. Get new elections laws and a constitutional amendment to corner the wealthy thugs.–KAS

The Kochs Mess With Texas, Our Minds and Our Future

By Mary Bell Lockhart

Sometimes when you turn over a rock all sorts of creepy things crawl out. Think Progress, a project of the Center for American Progress, has produced a report on the political dealings of the brothers Charles and David Koch, and the Center for Public Integrity has reported on the Koch lobbyists in Washington. What crawled out when they turned over these stones is truly disturbing. These reports can be found at:

For decades, these legacy-billionaire brothers have moved their radical right, libertarian agenda to make them and their partners more loot. The agenda is anti-government, anti-tax, anti-regulation, anti-environment, anti-education, anti-science, anti-human and essentially anti-American. The only thing it’s “pro” is corporate domination. From their libertarian roots, Koch organizations took over, funded and molded the tea party. And, though in years passed the Republican Party rejected this ideology as too extreme, now the GOP has embraced it.

A few things about this agenda must be said.

First, if any suffer under the misperception that this corporatist agenda aims to help people or make this a better world, just ” fuggedaboudit .” Most of us matter only as paying customers, not beneficiaries, of this agenda. And there are no plans for a time when we’ve been bled dry and can’t pay anymore. There are no plans regarding which planet earthlings can escape to when our resources are exhausted.

It doesn’t have to be that way. There are a number of very large corporations who make dandy profits while helping people and protecting the planet. They act on the basis of enlightened self-interest that has long been a fundamental American value. The economist Joseph Stiglitz explains, “It means appreciating that paying attention to everyone else’s self-interest–in other words, the common welfare–is in fact a precondition for one’s own ultimate well-being “. Those canny Americans understood a basic fact: looking out for the other guy isn’t just good for the soul–it’s good for business.” The enlightened understand that we’re all in this together; not so the Koch brothers and their band of corporatistas.

Second, the public policies in the Koch agenda don’t even work, never have, never will anywhere on the earth. They don’t result in better government and healthier societies made up of happier people. They don’t even, in the long run, lead to prosperous businesses. They lead to societies divided into “them up there” and the rest of us pecking it out down here. They lead to economic bubbles that inevitably burst and slime everyone, like our recent housing and financial collapses. And they lead to ruin of the environment upon which the future depends. Theirs is the path of disaster crony capitalism.

And third, the reason the Koch/corporatist agenda doesn’t work is that it is “a house built on sand.” The underlying information upon which it rests is a collection of fantasies, distortions, lies and unscientific notions. Small wonder that part of the agenda is anti-public education and that it created “think tanks” to give the appearance of a credible information base. Heaven forbid that the truth be told!

It is on the misinformation campaign where the Koch brothers started their work that continues today. Their father Fred was a founding member of the ultra-right John Birch Society in the 1950s. In 1977, Charles Koch co-founded the libertarian Cato Institute and in 1980 David Koch was the Libertarian Party’s vice presidential candidate. In 1984 David Koch created Citizens for a Sound Economy which in 2004 split into FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity Foundation. (There’s no doubt whose prosperity they are for, their own.)

The reports say they have given at least $85.9 million (that we know of) to 85 right-wing think tanks and advocacy groups over the last decade and a half. Some organizations that receive Koch support are: Heritage Foundation, Reason Foundation, Federalist Society, American Enterprise Institute & Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, Texas Public Policy Foundation, and the American Legislative Exchange Council.

They’d like you to think these nice-sounding organizations are about genuine public policy. For example, they’d like you to believe economic measures are analyzed objectively to derive economic policy recommendations. Actually, just the reverse is true. Like the lead-in to the Iraq war, “the intelligence is being fixed around the policy.” For example, though these organizations call for “free market solutions” they can’t point to a single instance of genuinely free markets even existing much less working well. And, they favor corporate tax breaks and subsidies that benefit the oil, chemical and agriculture industries. So much for “free market.”

Here’s another: They claim regulation of polluting industries kills jobs when actually the opposite is true. Still another: They attack the science of global climate change when we can clearly see the ongoing change all around us. And another: They claim public sector employees earn 69% more than private sector employees, but they are comparing well-educated government scientists to private sector burger-flippers, not employees in comparable jobs.

Notice the American Legislative Exchange Council listed above. ALEC is an organization for elected Republican officials. It cranks out legislative wording for adoption by primarily state governments. This is why in “red” state after state (Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Kansas, Maine, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina), we are seeing the exact same legislation put forth. The organization stands for limited federal government, greater power to the states and, there you go again, “free markets.” A list of companies on the Enterprise Board of ALEC reveals the corporations that have signed on to the Koch agenda. These include Energy Futures Holdings, Johnson & Johnson, PhRMA, American Bail Coalition, Kraft Foods, GlaxoSmithKline, Coca-Cola, AT&T, Pfizer, Peabody Energy, Intuit, Inc., ExxonMobil, Bayer, Reynolds American, WalMart, State Farm Insurance and UPS.

These corporations want a weakened federal government because the federal government is the only entity that can stand up to them, if it will. It’s the only entity that can regulate them to protect workers, consumers and the environment. Want to know why gas prices are so high right now? It’s not supply disruption; it’s commodity futures trading in oil by a branch of Koch Industries and other speculators. They want to continue doing that to us without restraint.

Whew! I’ve run out of space, but there’s more to this tale yet to tell.

Author’s Bio: I’m a retired public health worker focused these days on supporting a variety of progressive issues, such as criminal justice reform, energy efficiency, environmental protection, universal health care, civil rights, and worldwide peace and respect. I have a BA in Psychology and an MA from the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs.

About eslkevin

I am a peace educator who has taken time to teach and work in countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, Nicaragua, Mexico, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman over the past 4 decades.
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4 Responses to Stop the Koch’s Cattle Drive from Kansas to Texas!!!

  1. Bennett Jones says:

    The author is short on facts, long on opinion, and off base again.

    Let me begin by explaining that I know almost nothing about the Koch family, I am however very familiar with basic libertarian principles. I will let someone who knows the facts about the Kochs speak to the charges against them, I will address only the attack on libertarians.

    There are a few statements that need to be corrected. Some phrases, such as “their radical right, libertarian agenda” set up a straw man argument. “Radical right” is to “libertarian” as “slaveholder” is to “abolitionist”, that is to say “radical right” and “libertarian” are not synonyms.

    The statement- “The agenda is anti- government, anti-tax, anti-regulation, anti-environment, anti-education, anti-science, anti-human and essentially anti-American.” – needs to be dissected and examined in detail. I will let the so called “radical right” speak for themselves, but to make these charges against “libertarians” requires creating a false association.

    The libertarian position is by definition “pro-government”, but it is against unlimited government. Government being a creations of individuals, with the one moral function being the protection of human rights.

    Regulations are in fact supported by libertarians, but only the ones that protect all persons and their property, not the ones that give special privileges to just a favored few.

    To say that anyone, but the most mentally disturbed, is “anti-environment” is absurd. The libertarian policy of property rights is the only approach to environmental protection, that I have seen, that shows any hope of achieving the goal. Just how many folks (regardless of their politics) really want dirty air and water?

    To suggest that libertarians are “anti-education” is another misstatement of fact. The unlimited ability of government agents to use lethal force, in order to impose a compulsory system, is what is challenged by libertarians (whether the system in question is for “education” or some other social good). Some of the most outspoken libertarians are in fact teachers.

    I don’t know that I have ever heard anyone else accuse libertarians of being “anti-science”, so I am at a loss as to what the author means, or how to even response to this point.

    The outrageous proposition, that libertarians are “anti-human”, is truly Orwellian. Is the author a victim of wild claims by “libertarian” posers, or is she knowingly participating in a smear campaign, or is she just regurgitating talking points?

    When you are charged with being “anti-American”, how do you answer?

    The foundation of our republic was built upon libertarian principles, probably best expressed in the Declaration of Independence. While libertarians are criticizing a lot of what is going on within the machinations of government today, it is because those within government are violating the principles and ideals of America. Our nation is soiled. Thinks of libertarians as flag washers.

    As to the charge of being “anti-tax”, I would suggest that this one label is appropriate. Since libertarians understand that taxes are merely legalized theft, and theft is immoral, then libertarians (who support property rights, and base their positions on principles) must oppose taxes in order to be consistent.

    It is fair to say that libertarians are anti-corporatist, in that they are anti-fascist. For those that do not know, libertarian is the not the opposite of Republican or Democrat, it is the opposite of totalitarian.

    In this short forum, I can not begin to correct all of the errors in the article in question, but I do want to set the record straight about one other point. The modern “Tea Party” movement was a 2007 non-partisan grassroots creation of libertarian and constitutionalists supporters of the Ron Paul presidential campaign, who were taking action against the Federal Reserve’s “inflation tax”. It is the “fascists” forces who are now attempting a take over from the libertarians, not the other way around.

    It would be helpful for the readers, to have a notice preceding the author’s opinion pieces, explaining that she does not believe that we as individuals have a right to own property.

  2. eslkevin says:


    The focus here for my reposting is on the Koch brothers. If the tea party members are tied in with them. They are not fully in the Ron Paul camp. Read up on the history of the Koch’s and observe the article from the control of America by two multi billionaire brothers manipulating elections.


  3. Pingback: WE NEED TO BE WARNED–THE KOCH BROTHERS « Eslkevin's Blog

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