We Need A Truly Progressive Tax Rate–and there are millions of reasons to agree!

It’s time for the Progressive Consumption tax


University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh

It’s Time for the Progressive Consumption Tax. So you think we need tax reform? OK then, let’s start by getting rid of the Federal income tax. Actually, we don’t …

In Defense of a Progressive Tax System … Not | The Daily Bell

Reformers believed progressive taxes could be used to reconfigure the ….. The first is that the current system is not fair and we need more progressive tax;

A Brief History of Progressive Taxation


It could be argued that the elimination of progressive taxation was a contributing factor to the Great Recession of 2007. We need to restore progressivity to our …

Biggest Challenge To Tax Reformers: Overcoming Our …


Tax Foundation

Oct 7, 2015 – Biggest Challenge To Tax Reformers: Overcoming Our Progressive Tax… However, as we‘ve seen, even the non-Flat Tax plans have had to …

Why progressive taxation is at the heart of the Yes movement

Mar 28, 2016 – Put simply, if we are to have the same taxation policies in an independent Scotland as we have in the UK, then where is the “better nation”?

Canada’s Liberals Need to Address Progressive Tax Reform

Dec 28, 2015 – Canada’s Liberals Need to Address Progressive Tax Reform … That issue is how do we recover from nearly 20 years of systematic looting of …

[PDF]progressive taxation as a means for improving competitive …


University of Twente
by T van der Burgn – ‎2005 – ‎Cited by 6 – ‎Related articles

In this paper, we show that a progressive sports tax, the revenues of … transfer fees do have an impact on competitive balance since they affect the available …

We Need to Revamp the Estate Tax to Address Staggering …


U.S. News & World Report

4 days ago – Any form of progressive taxation will have to address both the growing use of … If we‘re serious about slowing and reversing our drift toward …

Sunday is day Americans work long enough in 2016 to …

Apr 24, 2016 – We need a progressive tax system in this country that is based on the ability to pay,” Sanders says. “If we are serious about reforming the tax …

Progressive vs. Flat Taxes | Claremont Radius

Dec 4, 2015 – Three GOP candidates have proposed a single rate tax for all … are likely to favor an even more progressive system than what we have today.

This Tax Day, never forget: Progressive taxes built N.J. …



Apr 9, 2016 – We should focus on making sure we have the resources we need to … That makes progressive taxation the very reason NJ is in such shambles.

Progressive Taxation in Theory and Practice – jstor

by ERA Seligman – ‎1908 – ‎Cited by 95 – ‎Related articles

ercellence the home of proportional taxation, we have had a progressive property tax, like … and local; and we still have progressive income taxes, pro- gressive …

It’s time for Illinois to graduate to a progressive income tax …


Chicago Tribune

4 days ago – Illinois needs revenue for a balanced budget, and a graduated … It’s time for Illinois to graduate to a progressive income tax. Rep … We have to.

Public Finance and Public Policy: Responsibilities and …

Arye L. Hillman – 2003 – ‎Business & Economics

A conflict between efficient and socially just taxation We have arrived at the conclusion that income taxes should be progressive by not accounting for efficiency …

Lawmakers talk taxes during forum, ideas range from …


Apr 12, 2016 – Lawmakers talk taxes during forum, ideas range from progressive tax to … “And so the thing that we have to do is try to reduce the overall tax …

Are federal taxes progressive? | Tax Policy Center


Tax Policy Center

Although the overall federal tax system is progressive, with total federal tax burdens a larger percentage of income for higher-income households than for …

Ending Tax Socialism | Foundation for Economic Education


Foundation for Economic Education

A Progressive Income Tax Violates the Heart and Soul of the Constitution … to tax justice, we need to abolish progressive taxation, institute a fair flat tax, and limit …

Predictable Paradox: We need to talk about tax


Dec 16, 2015 – As you can see, the mildly progressive nature of that tax power quickly ….. Indeed to find another instance of this we have to look literally no …

Do government spending and taxation really reduce …


Feb 10, 2016 – … spending and taxation really reduce inequality, or do we need more … Africa’s progressive taxation and pro-poor social spending reduce the …

Progressive tax hurts Democrats and Republicans | Illinois …


The effort to pass a progressive tax is not about “fair” structural reform. … We ran the numbers on how the proposed rates from the amendment’s chief … That’s why all of the above Republicans have come out against a progressive tax hike.

New terms for defending, opposing Illinois progressive tax


Apr 19, 2016 – Illinois progressive tax debate has new context in 2016 … “The governor says we need middle class tax relief,” Lang said on Monday. “This was …

Bernie Sanders’s Tax Returns Reveal His Hypocrisy …


National Review

Apr 18, 2016 – His web site declares, “We need a progressive tax system in this country which is based on ability to pay. It is not acceptable that corporate …

Ben Carson: Progressive taxation is socialism. Donald … – Vox

Sep 16, 2015 – We‘ve had a graduated tax system for many years,” Trump said. … people making higher incomes have had to pay higher marginal income tax …

Legislature considering replacement for flat-tax system in …


Apr 19, 2016 – “So that we could have lower rates on people with lower incomes, … set the Illinois rates claims a progressive tax would raise an additional $2 …

Patrick Harvie: SNP would need to offer ‘progressive’ tax …

Apr 12, 2016 – Patrick Harvie: SNP would need to offer ‘progressivetax policy to get … if you want a progressive Scotland we‘re going to need to address the …

“We need a progressive carbon tax” | Sciences Po École d …


We need a progressive carbon tax“. Thomas Piketty gave a lecture on “Inequalities, Capital and Carbon in the 21st Century” …

[PDF]How Progressive is Canada’s Tax System? – Citizens for …


Afair tax system is a progressive tax system, where people with higher incomes pay a greater … Canada needs a fair tax system that … regressive tax, where the share of income paid … Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising. http://.

The Better Way – Better Way Alberta

We could also increase royalty rates on oil company profits by billions and still … Alberta needs a true, fulsome, comprehensive and progressive tax structure. 2.

Progressive and Regressive Taxes


A progressive tax is defined as a tax whose rate increases as the payer’s income increases. That is, individuals who earn high incomes have a greater …

Bill’s Perspective: Why progressive taxation is necessary …


Austin American‑Statesman

Dec 26, 2015 – Ironically, to facilitate industrialization in the U.S. over the past 150 years, we have developed an economic system based on monetary …

About eslkevin

I am a peace educator who has taken time to teach and work in countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, Nicaragua, Mexico, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman over the past 4 decades.
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15 Responses to We Need A Truly Progressive Tax Rate–and there are millions of reasons to agree!

  1. Progressive taxation on income is discriminatory. A flat tax or a national sales tax would be better.

    • eslkevin says:


  2. Eslkevin, some GOP tax proposals are allowing a certain amount of income to be free of tax, with a flat percentage on anything above that. Some people advocate a system where you pay according to your ability. I know that a marginal tax system means you only pay above a certain threshold, however, after the various deductions, your paying a lower effective rate. If we have a flat tax, I say make the top tax rate 25%. If you earn $50, 000.00 a year or less, you pay nothing, not even payroll taxes. If you earn $57, 000.00 a year or more, you pay 25%. Subject the Capital Gains tax to a sliding scale, between 15%-25%. If you hold on to it for a shorter time than cash out the investment, you pay 25%. If you hold it for a longer period of time and then cash out the investment, you pay the lower rate of 15%. I prefer to tax consumption rather than labor. However, as long as we maintain an income tax, the rate should be same across the board, unless it is determined that a family does not earn enough to pay income taxes.

    • eslkevin says:

      Flat tax often means that everyone under 200,000 dollars a year pays too much and livelihoods are hurt. If you can get a flat tax down to 2% or less then I could buy into the argument–if not–it hurts the poor too much.

  3. If you earn $50, 000.00 a year or less under some proposals, you pay nothing. Assuming that you earn more, you should pay a flat rate of 25%. Capital Gains tax would be subject to a sliding scale, between 15%-25%. Poor people and low income people would still pay nothing under some proposals. Those Leftist idiots claim that flat taxes are regressive. Newsflash: Flat and regressive have 2 very different meanings. Assuming we had a flat tax, there would be a standard deduction, so if you make a certain dollar amount or less, you pay effectively nothing in taxes. Anything higher would be taxed at a flat rate.

    • eslkevin says:

      some proposals are better than us, I come at things from the biblical jubilee perspective which doesn’t start with the promise that life is supposed to be fair and equal–revisions are needed to allow much opportunity for choice and redevelopment–not as stagnant as perspectives of taxation and redistribution tend to simply get caught up in.

  4. Eslkevin, I have a question for you: Who can spend your money better-you or a government bureaucrat?

    • eslkevin says:

      Are you not asking someone who has lived abroad nearly 30 of the past 35 years? Who didn’t have to pay US military taxes. By the way, why focus on bureaucrats? The DOD, BIG OIL, Military Complex dependents control USA spending.

  5. Eslkevin, I inadvertently contradicted myself on my March 31st comment. I put the 15% tax rate when I meant to put 25%. Can you edit that comment for me please? Then can you delete this one?

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