Diplomacy with North Korea needs to Get Serious even as North Korean Leader shows his Evil

Dear Kevin,

In recent weeks, North Korea’s ruthlessness has hit very close to home. The death of Otto Warmbier has shocked and saddened our country. Meanwhile, North Korea’s brutal dictator continues to develop its nuclear weapons capability.


All of our instincts may point toward retribution. But war with North Korea would be devastating and could lead to a nuclear catastrophe — while also threatening our own security.Recently, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said to Congress that, “If this goes to a military solution, it’s going to be tragic on an unbelievable scale.”  


Don’t let bluster win! Support diplomacy with North Korea.


Years of hawkish approaches to North Korea have failed: without engagement, North Korea continues to grow and improve its nuclear arsenal. Trump’s posturing only encourages more North Korean ballistic missile and nuclear weapons tests. To truly reduce the North Korean nuclear threat, world leaders must open the door to communication. There is no military solution for North Korea. Diplomacy is the only way to roll back North Korea’s nuclear option.  


Add your name to support diplomacy over war with North Korea


Next week, the new President of South Korea, Moon Jae-In, is visiting Washington. The new South Korean President was elected overwhelmingly on a message of engagement and peace. As President Trump threatens war on the Korean Peninsula, tell Korean President Moon that Americans stand with him!


Send a message to President Trump: Americans don’t want war with North Korea!


Even during difficult times, we cannot let anger and fear win. Join us in standing for diplomacy!


In solidarity,

Erica Fein

Director of Government Affairs


P.S. Send a message to President Trump that Americans don’t want war with North Korea!


Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)

101 Main Street, 14th Floor | Cambridge MA 02142
322 4th Street NE | Washington, DC 20002

About eslkevin

I am a peace educator who has taken time to teach and work in countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, Nicaragua, Mexico, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman over the past 4 decades.
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