Freedom to Get News but Not Be Manipulated by Leakers, CIA, KGB-wannabees, etc.

“a very different sort of large-scale leaker, more stealthy and better funded: the intelligence services of nation states, which hack into troves of documents and then use a proxy to release them”

Spurred largely by the popular #MeToo movement, women have come forward with allegations of abuse, harassment, and intimidation they’ve experienced and how in order to make their stories known and spread awareness, they are forced challenge legal agreements. PEN America takes a look into how women are setting a historical precedent by speaking out -PEN America


DARE to be Informed

The most pressing threats and notable goings-on in free expression this week


When Spies Hack Journalism
In recent years, technology has helped information leakers operate on a mass scale. But now the group has been joined by a very different sort of large-scale leaker, more stealthy and better funded: the intelligence services of nation states.

An Evangelical Journalist Finds His Calling at the White House
While Trump attacks major news organizations and suggests revoking credentials for outlets, the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody enjoy a closeness to the White House while Trump gets a direct line to his most supportive voters.

Parkland Survivor Aims to Boost ‘Unacceptable’ Youth Vote Turnout
Instead of going to college this fall, Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school senior Ryan Deitsch will focus on turning out the youth vote in November’s midterm elections in hopes of a fresh push for stricter gun control laws.

Senate Approves Overturning FCC’s Net Neutrality Repeal
The Senate approved a resolution to nullify the FCC’s net neutrality rollback—a symbolic blow. However, the outcome is unlikely to derail the FCC’s repeal. “The prospect that the internet will be changed in some fundamental way is disturbing.”

Debate Over Whether Context Matters: Trump’s ‘animals’ Comment
Several news organizations took remarks Trump made out of context to suggest all undocumented immigrants are “animals”. However, given Trump’s history of railing against immigrants, debate ensues over whether context matters.


India Witnessed Highest Number of Internet Shutdowns in 2017-18: UNESCO Report
South Asian countries experienced at least 97 instances of Internet shutdown, a barometer on freedom of press and expression, between May 2017 and April 2018, with India alone accounting for 82 such cases.

Mexico is One of the World’s Most Dangerous Places for Journalists. People Are Demanding Action.
A year after Javier Valdez’s death and ahead of presidential elections in July, co-founder Ismael Bojórquez, other independent media, and advocacy groups organize rallies  to celebrate his life and demand an end to impunity in journalist murders.

The Fate of Press Freedom in India Over the Years
The drop in India’s press freedom ranking has been linked to the encouragement of self-censorship during a period of heightened nationalism. Media outlets are the “targets of violence by soldiers acting with the central government’s tacit consent”.

Former Phnom Penh Post Journalist Describes State of Press Freedom in Cambodia as ‘Dire’
The acquisition of the Phnom Penh Post by a Malaysian businessman made the newsroom “apprehensive” and “concerned” according to one of the paper’s former journalists, Erin Handley. “The current state of press freedom in Cambodia is dire.”

‘Safe Zones’ Around Abortion Clinics Don’t Threaten Free Speech, Victoria Says
“Safe access zones” around abortion clinics do not breach Australians’ limited right to free speech because protesters are not engaged in public debate but rather targeting women for their medical choices, the Victorian government has said.

In-Depth Analysis

Net Neutrality is Just a Gateway to the Real Issue: Internet Freedom
While the Senate voted to revive net neutrality, the vote represented so much more. Instead, it was a deeply political, bipartisan call, three Republican senators signed on, for internet freedom writ large.

Free-Speech Warriors Mistake Student Protest for Censorship
A new generation is testing the boundaries, agonising in the same way we did over difficult moral decisions. Now, this is labelled dangerous censorship—we are witnessing a widespread “chilling” of free speech on university campuses.

DARE is a project of PEN America’s #LouderTogether campaign, bringing you a daily-curated roundup of the most important free expression-related news from the U.S. and abroad. Send your feedback and story suggestions to

About eslkevin

I am a peace educator who has taken time to teach and work in countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, Nicaragua, Mexico, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman over the past 4 decades.
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