Teddy Cruz’s Father was tortured under the Batista Regime–not the Castro Regime as his narration implied (Where are the media?)

This is a fantastic example of media manipulation by Karl Rove and his media-I-Know-Nothing buddies.–KAS

Notes from“Republicans have officially nominated Mitt Romney for president after nearly 15 months of campaigning. On Tuesday night, . . . . tea party favorite Ted Cruz, addressed the Republican National Convention crowd of delegates and their supporters for several hours.”

source: http://www.democracynow.org/2012/8/29/rnc_launches_with_tea_partys_ted

AMY GOODMAN: Let’s go to a clip of Cruz talking about his father.

TED CRUZ: It’s the story of my father, imprisoned and tortured in Cuba, beaten nearly to death. He fled to Texas in 1957, not speaking English, with a hundred dollars sewn into his underwear. He washed dishes, making 50 cents an hour, to pay his way through college and to start a small business in the oil and gas industry. My father is here today. When he came to America, él no tenía nada, pero tenía corazón. He had nothing, but he had heart, a heart for freedom. Thank you, Dad.

AMY GOODMAN: That’s Ted Cruz speaking at the Republican National Convention on the first night of the convention. Let’s think about that date he said. His father fled Cuba in 1957 after being brutally tortured. 1957, Wayne Slater, the significance of this? Most people in this audience must have felt, as most people in the country, though he didn’t say it, that we’re talking about fleeing the Castro regime.

WAYNE SLATER: Yeah, and that’s what happened. Early in the campaign, he had a commercial talking about his father, that same line. “My father fled oppression in Cuba.” And I guarantee you that every Republican who heard it last night and every Republican early on in Texas heard, oh, he fought against Castro. He actually—Ted Cruz’s father fought with Castro and Che Guevara. He fought against the brutal Batista government. And it was only later, when he fell out of favor with the established government, where Castro was clearly in charge, that he came to the United States and started a business here. So, Republican—

About eslkevin

I am a peace educator who has taken time to teach and work in countries such as the USA, Germany, Japan, Nicaragua, Mexico, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman over the past 4 decades.
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